
Posts Tagged ‘Dividing 0 in the denominator’

 We can handle 0’s (zeros) in Denominators in SQL Server by using NULLIF statement. Below is an example:

 — Declaring the variables

DECLARE @Numerator INT, @Denominator INT

 — Assigning the vaues to the variables

SET @Numerator = 4

SET @Denominator = 0

 — Dividing the value with denominator as 0

SELECT @Numerator / @Denominator

 By executing the above batch of statements, we will get below error:

 Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 9

Divide by zero error encountered.

 In order to overcome the above error execute as below in SSMS:

 — Declaring the variables

 DECLARE @Numerator INT, @Denominator INT

 — Assigning the vaues to the variables

 SET @Numenator = 4

 SET @Denominator = 0

 — Dividing the value with denominator as 0

 SELECT ISNULL( @Numerator /NULLIF(@Denominator,0),0 )

 NULLIF (in denominator) in the above statement makes Null, if it finds the value of the variable @Denominator as 0, ISNULL (in Numerator) makes the value to 0 if it finds the result of the divided value as Null

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