
Posts Tagged ‘How to Setup Report Server in SSRS’

Setup and Configuration of Report Server in SSRS

The setup and configuration for this demo involves the following tasks:

  • Task 1 – Running Configuration Wizard
  • Task 2 – Configuring Report Server
  • Task 3 – Configuring Basic Authentication in Reporting Services
  • Task 4 – Deploying AdventureWorks Sample Reports
  • Task 5 – Browsing the Reports
This demo is designed for the Express Edition of SQL Server 2008 R2, with an instance name of .\SQLEXPRESS. If this is not the case, some walkthrough steps might require further actions and URLs and code might need modifications. Please adjust the instructions to match your environment where necessary.

 Task 1 – Running the Configuration Wizard

The following steps describe how to run the Configuration Wizard tool included with the demo to verify that all the prerequisites are properly installed.

  1. Browse to the setup folder in the Source folder of this demo, and run the Setup.cmd script. This script will launch the Configuration Wizard for the demo. The Configuration Wizard is designed to check your computer to ensure that it is properly configured with all of the dependencies needed to run the demo.
  2. Click through the steps in the Configuration Wizard to get to the Detecting Required Software step, a scan of prerequisites will be performed on your computer. If you do not have the necessary dependencies, install them using the links provided by the tool and rescan your computer.
  3. Once the required software is properly installed click Next to configure your computer for this demo. A script will be executed to deploy a custom style sheets into the reports server (you will be prompted to enter the Report Server instance name) and another to create the server alias (‘SQLServerTrainingKitAlias’) used in this demo to establish a connection with the database.


Task 2 – Configuring the Report Server

  1. Open Reporting Services Configuration Manager from Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 | Configuration Tools.
The Reporting Services Configuration tool is used to configure a Reporting Services installation. You can configure a local or remote report server instance as long as you are a member of the local administrator group on the report server computer.
  1. In the “Connect to a report server instance” dialog box, make sure that your local report server instance (for example MSSQLSERVER) is selected and click Connect.
  2. On the Web Service URL ( ) page, make sure that the Virtual Directory is set to ReportServer_%YourSqlServerInstanceName% (for example ReportServer for the SQL Server default instance) and that the TCP Port is set to 80.
The virtual directory name identifies which application receives the request. Because an IP address and port can be shared by multiple applications, the virtual directory name specifies which application receives the request.


  1. On the Databasepage( ), make sure that:
    1. SQL Server Name points to your local SQL Server instance (for example localhost\.).
    2. Report Server Mode is set to Native
  2. If the Database Configuration values are not set as above, follow these steps:
    1. Click Change Database to open the Report Server Database Configuration Wizard.
    2. Click Create a new report server database and then Next.
    3. In the Database Server page, set the Server Name to point the local SQL Server instance (for example SQLExpress) and select Current User -Integrated Security for the Authentication Type.
    4. Click Next.
    5. In the Database page, type ReportServer as the Database Name and click Native Mode for theReport Server Mode.
    6. Click Next to continue.
    7. In the Credentials page, select Service Credentials for the Authentication Type.
    8. Click Next, and finally Finish to complete the wizard.
  3. On the Report Manager URL page ( ), make sure that the Virtual Directory is set to ReportServer_%YourSqlServerInstanceName% (for example ReportServer for the SQL Server default instance).
Use the Report Manager URL page to configure or modify the URL used to access Report Manager. By default, the Report Manager URL inherits the prefix, IP address, and port of the Report Server Web service URL. This is because Report Manager provides front-end access to the Web service that runs within the same Report Server service.


If you see a warning message saying: The Report Manager virtual directory is not configured, click Apply to create it and configure it.
  1. Click Exit to close the Configuration Manager.


Task 3 – Deploying the AdventureWorks Sample Reports

  1. Open Business Intelligence Development Studio from Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 with administrative privileges.
  2. Click the File menu, point to Open and then click Project/Solution.
  3. Browse to %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Samples\Reporting Services\Report Samples\AdventureWorks 2008R2 Sample Reports, select the file AdventureWorks 2008 Sample Reports.sln and click Open.
If you are using the ZIP version of the Reporting Services Samples, browse to Samples\Reporting Services\Report Samples\AdventureWorks 2008R2 Sample Reports in the folder where you extracted the files instead of the folder specified above.


  1. On the Visual Studio toolbar, select Release in the Solution Configurations (the default configuration is Debug).
  2. Right-click the AdventureWorks 2008R2 project and select Properties.
  3. On the General tab, configure the Generalproperties as follows:
    1. Set OverwriteDataSources to True
    2. Set TargetReportFolder to AW2008SampleReports
    3. Set TargetServerURL to http://<servername>/reportserver


  1. Click OK.
  2. In Solution Explorer, under the Shared Data Sources folder, double-click AdventureWorks2008R2.rds to open the Adventure Works Data Source Properties.
  3. Under the General page, modify the Connection String to use the SqlServerTrainingKitAlias server alias.
1 Data Source=SqlServerTrainingKitAlias; Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks2008R2


  1. Click OK.
  2. On the Build menu, click Deploy AdventureWorks 2008R2.
When you deploy the solution, the reports are published to the report server.

 Task 4 – Browsing the Reports in the Report Manager

  1. Open Internet Explorer with administrator privileges.
It is important to run the Web browser as administrator otherwise, you will not be able to browse the reports.
  1. Browse the Report Manager at http://localhost/reports.
  2. In the Home page, click the AW2008SampleReports folder. You should see all AdventureWorks2008 Sample Reports.
Report Manager is a Web-based tool that includes features for viewing and managing reports. It is part of a report server installation. To open Report Manager, type the Report Manager URL in a browser window. You can use any supported Web browser to view a report through a direct connection to a report server. Every report has a URL address on a report server. You can use that address to open it in a new browser window independently.

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